Monday, May 16, 2011

I am very behind

Sad how short a time it has taken me to get to the tri-monthly post habit.
I'm just so blah right now, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'll try.

I'm thankful for my church. I attended three "Praise and Worship" meetings at a camp this weekend and Sacrament Meeting with three wiggly kids is more powerful and spirit-filled for me.

Lord, thank you for the gentle glow of the spirit that I know so well.

I got to perform at Campfire. The thing about that kind of camp is that they don't ever jeer or boo, so a standing ovation was almost guaranteed. I'm not sure what they really thought about "Jesus Street" but being up there and singing my heart out while a hundred people clap out a beat was very nice. I don't get to perform often.

Lord, thank you for getting to perform in such a good environment.

I just had rice in my burrito. I don't know why that makes burritos so much better, but it does.

Lord, thank you for rice in my burritos.

The dreaded End of Grade Tests begin tomorrow for my older two. They are worried. I'm not really worried. I sure do appreciate not having homework for either of them though.

Lord, thank you for a night off of homework, for two of them at least.

I filled out the paperwork for my kids to go to summer camp at work this summer.

Lord, thank you for options that will get my kids out of the house so they don't keep waking up their Dad this summer.

I slept in my own bed last night. The beds weren't too bad at camp, but they were a reminder of how nice my own bed is.

Lord, thank you for a nice soft bed in a climate controlled house.

I saw some really beautiful scenes on a nature walk with a friend. I was sad I didn't have my camera, but I did stop to enjoy them.

Lord, thank you for simple scenes of great beauty.

My kids missed me.

Lord, thanks for the relationship I have with my kids.

My husband "rescued" a German Shepherd while I was gone. It is living at my in-laws house.

Lord, thank you for having them love big dogs, because I'm just not up to one.

Someone really irritated me while we were competing at camp. I hate competition with a passion and really didn't enjoy that being at the camp set me up for it again and again. This lady is very competitive and aggressive when competing. So thankfully we didn't win, and neither did she and it hasn't gotten another word. We can get along fine as long as people don't pit us against each other.

Lord, thank you for the favor of losing and for the lesson learned, though I'll never understand why people think it's okay to say things in a competitive situation that would never fly otherwise.
I know, I know, I'm too sensitive. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Bravo. You did it! ah, the power of gratitude...

    One more thing for your list...Lord, thank you for helping my precious daughter overcome the angst and horrid memories of camping with other girls (who were miserably competitive) when she was a teen, to be able to go to this camp and be a great example and a fine influence on others. She frequently amazes me, this time included.
