Friday, April 1, 2011

My mom

I'm sitting here trying to write a query letter to send in to literary agents. I seem to have no trouble turning out 70k+ words, I've done that four times, but this one page query letter is much harder. The dread is almost paralyzing. It's times like these I'm thankful for my mom. You see, she taught me to sew, she taught me how to change the oil, she taught me to use my nose when seasoning food, but most of all she taught me that I can do anything I set my mind to. Then she proved the validity of her belief to me by setting her own lofty goals and then reaching them. So, I'm going to keep writing until I get it right, because I can do this, I have all the talent and tenacity it takes. Lord, thank you for my mom. (Happy Birthday Mom)

1 comment:

  1. Ah, shucks, Sisbridget. Thanks. I now have a new perspective on my life. Lord, thank you for a daughter who sees past the mundane and the moment, who strives every day to reach the most important goals in life, and along the way brings such joy in to my life and the life of so many others. She is a true treasure!
