Thursday, February 3, 2011

Drugs are not a part of my life

I was thinking today, as I cooked, about the different trials we face in our lives. Some are given one weakness, others are given another.
Today I'm thankful that drugs have never been a weakness of mine. I've had very close friends hooked on them. I've spent a lot of time watching drunks. I've known a lot of people that have done drugs at one point or another.
It's funny because I was never really tempted to even try them. Not that they weren't offered, but somehow I just wasn't interested.
My own personal brand of trials has lead me to rock bottom an back, but drugs? No, and I'm thankful for that. I've seen what they do to a person, and I would never want to loose myself like that.

Lord, thank you for giving me that path I've had.

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