Man I was sick yesterday. I ignored the warning signs of course, but when it hit it hit hard and I was out of commission. When I got home from church I immediately hit the couch and wrapped up in that super warm blanket from Bahrain. It was warm in the house, but I was so cold. I just lay there and shivered and wished I could warm up. My body was aching too. The only thing that didn't hurt was the ends of my fingers, which I couldn't feel at all. My nail beds were blue, my fingertips pale. The quarter inch below the dead zone hurt like crazy though, so did my waist which was being attacked my my support hose.
After an hour I got up the strength to move to the room and change into pajamas. I shook the whole time. I climbed under the two blankets and the electric blanket and turned it on. It was another hour at least before I got the feeling back in my finger tips, and even longer before I felt like my temperature was normal.
My body was screaming still, in spite of the Tylenol. Joe turned on some tv for me, which helped a bit. The light hurt my eyes, but at least I could think about something beside how much it hurt to lay on my back, or turn over, or raise my head, or move my arms to drink.
My body switched from cold to hot, so I kicked off the covers and tried to figure out how I was going to get my shifts covered for the week if this didn't go away. I didn't figure out much, I couldn't think, it hurt too much to think.
I fell asleep at some point, and woke up in the middle of the night. I was amazed to discover I didn't hurt anymore and my temperature was normal.
Lord, thank you for the relief.
This morning I printed out my latest first draft. Then I took it to work with me and used the automatic 3-hole punch there so I could bind it. Oh the bliss of not having to put my wrist through all that work!
Lord, thank you for Automatic hole punches.
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